Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The worst company ever

Thanks for pointing out Alan...

here is to google, the worst company in the world...


Woolmer the life and the death

Bob woolmer was murdered ...no he died of natural causes...

Wat a controversy....!!!!

I totally think the cricket community is trying to cover up the case...

here are a few of my thoughts on the case...

  1. Jamaican police was the firsts to do autopsy and they gave strangulation as a cause of death...
  2. Woolmer's body was cremeted immidiately after arriving in his home town so as to remove any chance of exhuming his body for further examination
  3. UK scotland yard announces its not a murder
  4. Jamaican police says its not a murder as well
Am i the only one proposing a controversy theory in this regard !!!!

Call me insane but the billion trillion dollar cricket industry just bought justice...to apparently save the name of the game..

the game which died long time back...with match fixing...with azaheruddin, with pakistanis and with bob woolmer...

the game shall never be the same again

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

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With Due credit to FlOrEsTaN

Newbies ONLY

"FlOrEsTaN has sent me this tutorial he wrote a few months back and imho its one of the best "how to get started" tutorials I've read, I'll certainly be adding this to my recommended newbies reading list. You should easily find the target programs and tools. I hope FlOrEsTaN will go forward to enhance his knowledge further". "Slightly edited and commented by CrackZ".

You notice the title. I am a beginner. I have been cracking for about a month or 2, with mixed success. It should be noted therefore, lots of what I say may be incomplete or inaccurate. It is the intention of this tutorial to teach *complete* newbies what I have learned so far. (BTW, you'd better read this with word wrap on, or you'll have hell trying to follow the text!!!).

The first thing I think you should do is get "W32Dasm". This is one of the tools you will use regularly when cracking. It is a "disassembler". It disassembles files, so you can see how the program is set out, how it works etc. Get this tool from :-


Just copy and paste that URL into your browser and you should start downloading. Go get this program now, and resume the tutorial when it's installed.

When you disassemble a file for the first time, you'll look at the contents of your screen and think, "Oh dear...". Don't be discouraged, what you'll be looking at is the program's "Assembly". You will have to get to know what lots of the stuff means. I'm still struggling, but I'm still learning. The assembly of a program is the listing of all the functions it carries out. Every program you disassemble will look similar. When you disassemble a program using W32Dasm you will notice it takes a long time to load some files, depending on the size of the exe you are disassembling. (Especially on my slow excuse for a PC!) Load "calc.exe" (The Windows Calculator) into the disassembler. The one I have is 92KB, but if yours is different, just apply what I say to your version. (P.S. If you skipped ahead without getting W32Dasm, get it now, you honestly will need it from this point on).

Disassembled the calculator? Good. Now, a few basics about the disassembled text. First of all, click on the button on the W32Dasm toolbar that says "Cd Loc". (When you put your mouse over this button it will say "Goto Code Location". Push the button. A window will pop up). Type in the window :-

"010026A6" (Without Quotes)

(Don't worry, it's only a random number I have chosen). Click on OK. All the way down the left side of the page you will see 8 numbers (or letters). These first 8 numbers or letters on each line are the "Addresses" or "Code Locations". Ignore the numbers and letters after the addresses for now. Addresses are used so that if a program says "Carry out the function at address (Whatever the address is)", the program will know where to go next. Things like that. Look at the right hand side of the assembly language. You will see something like the following: (Don't worry if yours isn't the same as what is written here - it's not important).

call 01007387

mov ecx, dword ptr [01013D90]

mov dword ptr [ecx+04], eax

mov eax, dword ptr [01013D64]

mov eax, dword ptr [4*eax+01013CE0]

jmp 01002745

These are the actual instructions. Don't ask me what it all means! I only know the basics right now. Look for an instruction that begins with a "Jmp". Any one you can find. If you're using the same file as me, there will be one just below where your blue bar should be :-

:010026AD E993000000 jmp 01002745

^ ^ ^

Address "Hex" Instruction

Don't worry yourself with hex just yet. See the "Jmp" is followed by an address. Here is a good place to explain that "Jmp" means "Jump". This means that the program will jump from the address specified on the left (e.g. in the above example the address is 010026AD) to the address specified in the Jump instruction (e.g. 01002745). Double-Click on the line with the "Jmp". The blue bar should go onto the line and turn green. Memorize the address after the "Jmp" (E.g. in the above example I mean memorize "01002745"). Look at the toolbar of W32Dasm. You will see a "Jump to" button. Put your mouse over it. It will say, "Execute Jump". Click on the button. Look at where it has taken you. Look on the left, the address is the one specified in the Jump instruction. Go to any random parts in the file and try this jumping procedure some more, so you get used to how jumping and addresses work.

Now I'll explain about different jumps. The "Jmp" was an "Unconditional Jump". This means that the program will jump when it reaches the "Jmp" instruction, no questions asked. There are many other types of jump. Here are some of the most important:

"Je" - Jump if Equal

This will regularly come after a "Cmp" (Compare) instruction. You will see the compare instruction as "Cmp" followed by two values. e.g. Scroll up to address "010025C2" if you are using the same version of calc as me, otherwise, just follow what I'm saying. You'll find loads of "Cmp" instructions in your file also.

:010025C2 3BC3 cmp eax, ebx

:010025C4 0F84DD020000 je 010028A7

This is a typical example of a "Cmp" instruction followed by a "Je". In this example, when the program gets to this point, it will compare the value contained in ebx with the value contained in eax. (EAX and EBX are "Registers". Don't worry about it quite yet!) If the values in these registers are equal, the program will jump when it reaches the next (Je) instruction. If EAX and EBX's value are not equal, the program will not jump, the instruction will be ignored.

"Jne" - Jump if NOT Equal

This is the same sort of thing as "Je", but it's the opposite. It jumps if the compared values are not equal. It would be common to find a "Jne" in a relevant part of code in a program you are cracking, where if the program compares the registration code you entered with the right code, and they don't match, it will jump to a set of instructions that send you the error message.

"Jz" - Jump if Zero

This is like "Je" but it is after the program calculates something. If the answer to the calculation is 0 (Zero), the jump will occur. "Jnz" means Jump if NOT Equal. (Use your common sense). I will explain more about these jumps when I try to explain "SoftICE" to you. There are other jumps, but they don't need explaining now. Without any further ado, let's do some practical work...

You will need two programs :-
"Hex Workshop" (Version 2.20) (Which we will be cracking) and "Hackers' View" (or "HIEW" for short. This is a tool you will need to start using). Get these programs.

(Hackers' View - copy and paste the URL and you should start downloading).

(Hex Workshop)

Some of the links may be dead by the time you get to read this, if that's the case, just find a cracker, they should help you get the tools. (Or you could E-Mail me at "Florestan5@hotmail.com" and I'll send them by mail.

Got the programs? Good. All set up? Run Hex Workshop. (HWorks32.exe). Aha, look in the top right hand corner. "Unregistered Version". We don't like that... Go to "Help", and "About". Here you have the chance to enter the serial number. Enter anything and click on "Register". Unless you are the luckiest person on earth and guessed the correct code, you will be staring at an error message. Write the message down. ("You have entered an invalid registration number" will suffice). Get out of the program. Highlight the HWorks32.exe file and copy it. (Ctrl-C, as if you didn't know). Make 2 copies of the file. Rename one "HWorks32.ex_" for backup, if we totally screw the program up when we're cracking it. Rename the other one "HWorks32.w32". This helps you remember that this is the file you will disassemble using (.w32)Dasm. Load up "HWorks32.w32" into W32Dasm.

Click on find on the W32Dasm toolbar. Get the message you wrote down. Type in "You have entered an invalid". Click on find. It will put you in the section headed "Dialog Information", before you even come to any instructions or addresses. Look up 2 lines. You will see "DialogID_0075". Write this information down, as this is what the program will refer to when it needs the text for the error message. Click on find again. Enter "DialogID_0075" and click on find. You will land on a line that says "Possible reference to Dialog: DialogID_0075". Look up to where it says :-

Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional jump at address:


This means that the address 0041BCCE had a conditional jump (I.E a "Je" or "Jne" etc.) that told the program to go to the part of the code that follows the "Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional jump at address" text. Eg. When we go to the code location (address) 0041BCEE, we should see one of the following lines:

je 0041BD4D ;or

jne 0041BD4D ;or

jz 0041BD4D (you get the picture).

So lets scroll up to address 0041BCCE. It shouldn't be far away. Found the address? Look. Sure enough:

:0041BCCE 0F8479000000 je 0041BD4D

Write the address down. (Write down "0041BCCE") This instruction "je 0041BD4D" we are about to change, so that is "jne 0041BD4D". DON'T close W32Dasm yet. Minimize it. Run HIEW (Hackers' View). Find your original HWorks32.exe file and open it in HIEW. When this is done, press F4. From here you can select "Decode Mode" which is where we can change what the program does. Select Decode mode. Sure enough, you notice anything familiar? Yep. Good old assembly! Press F5. The top line will change colour and you will be able to put the address we wrote down in here.

Put the address you made a note of. IMPORTANT - Make sure you put a dot (.) before the numbers. So type in (Without quotes of course) ".0041BCCE" Press return. You'll be at the line of code we saw in W32Dasm and wanted to change. Press F3. This will allow you to change stuff. Be VERY careful you don't accidentally change things you're not meant to. Press the right arrow key twice so the underscore is under the 8. Type 85. You changed Je (84) to Jne (85). It should be noted Je is not always 84 and Jne 85. It varies depending on how many bytes are in the instruction. "Bytes" consist of two hex characters. So the line we are editing has 6 bytes. (12 Characters). Other times, for example when there is only 2 bytes in the jump instruction, the first byte is the one you will modify, not the second. and in that case, je will be 74, and jne would be 75. But let's not go into that right now.

You have changed the second byte in our instruction. That has changed je to jne. press F9 to update the file and get out of editing mode. Press F10 to get out of HIEW. Go and run "HWorks32.exe". This is the file you just changed. Go to Help, and About again. Type in any code. Click "Register". Presto! Registered! Choose a name and company and press OK. Get out of HWorks32.exe and then run it again to make sure it stays cracked. (You'll find a lot of programs you think you'll have cracked this way, but then when you run them after you exit, it'll say it's unregistered again). Yep. This is still regged. Congrats. You've just cracked your first program!!! Now you can close W32Dasm. (We just kept it open in case the byte we changed didn't do anything).

The next thing I'm going to do is show you "SoftICE". Go get this superb program. You'll need it if you want to do "proper" cracking, where you find registration codes, without even modifying the program. That's the best, cleanest type of cracking you can do. It's also the type of cracking you'll get to feel you've really achieved something. Get SoftICE. It can be found at:

(copy and paste the URL into the browser to start downloading)

You'll also need a program called "WinRAR". You can get it from www.download.com if you haven't got it already. Once you start installing it you'll be asked to enter your name and registration info. Register it. It's only £30...I used a code that I got passed on to me by another cracker by way of a tutorial. Usually you shouldn't use other peoples' reg info to reg programs. That's what lamers do who can't crack programs. However cracking SoftICE requires specialist tools, and is I expect, waaaaaaay beyond your (and mine!) capability. SoftICE is a tool you WILL need to crack programs efficiently. Use the following registration number: "1907-0000DD-99". Follow the instructions and install. Let it make changes to your autoexec.bat, as it needs to be loaded as a program before windows starts.

When SoftICE is installed, go to the SoftICE directory and open the "winice.dat" file with notepad. Find the line that says "INIT=Code On" or similar. Change that line to the following :-

INIT="lines 60;color f a 4f 1f e;wd 22;wc 22;code on;x;"

This just tells the program how many lines to allow to each "section" of SoftICE, and it gives it some more interesting colours than the boring ones the installation gives it. Now go down to where it says "Examples of Export symbols" and there will be a list of files starting with ";EXP=". Remove all of the ; symbols from the beginning of those lines. This makes sure that when we restart our computer and go into SoftICE we can set "Breakpoints" on the windows "API" (Which is vital to us!) Save the file and restart your computer.......................

Okay, your back. It might be a good idea to print out the next few paragraphs (Until I say "Stop Printing"), because when you're in SoftICE, you can't access any other programs until you leave, and we don't want to be going back and forth between SICE (SoftICE) and Notepad all the time, and when we start cracking, we won't be able to get out of SoftICE of it'll ruin our work, and we'll have to start again.

---------------------------------------START PRINTING HERE---------------------------------------

Press Ctrl+D and you'll see SoftICE in all it's glory. The top section with the first line of text starting with "EAX=" is the section of SoftICE for registers. Registers are places in memory. Memory is where all the information is kept, and registers save the addresses of the places in memory that are important to the program at that time. (That's not the only way they work, but it's all you need to know for now). The line of characters "o d i s z a p c" are all flags. ("o" is a flag, "d" is a flag etc.) The only important one to us right now is the "Zero" flag. That's the "z". You notice, some flags will be highlighted. These are the flags that are active. Remember when we were talking about jumps, and we talked about "jz" (Jump if Zero) and "jnz" (Jump if not Zero). This is what it looks at. These flags are either active or inactive, but they are always there.

For example if in SoftICE we came across a piece of code that had a "jz" in it, we could look at the zero flag just before that function was carried out, and we would know it the program would jump or not! Cool eh? While we are talking about code, let's look at the code section of SICE. (The yellow (Well, they should be yellow) lines separate the sections of SICE). This 3rd section is the "Code Window". (I'll talk about the 2nd section in a minute). The code window should look familiar. The difference between the code here, and the code in W32Dasm, is that the code here in SICE is actually being executed, and when you exit SICE, the highlighted (red) line of code will be executed straight away. This is one of the reasons SICE is so powerful. Look at the 2nd section. This is the "Data Window". This is the memory basically. Type in:

d edx

and press Enter. You should see the Data Window change. What you've just told SICE to do is "Display EDX". SoftICE showed you the memory at EDX. Look at the Registers Window where it says EDX=(whatever). You will notice that the number after EDX is the first number in the Data Window. This is because EDX is storing the address in memory that you have just told SoftICE to display. If you got a message saying "Invalid Address", don't worry, just use my example with EAX or ESI etc. I'm just trying to explain registers. That is how the Data Window works. The last section is just where you type in commands. Now lets do a real crack! Get "5 or More" version 2.0a from :-


Got the program, good! Then let's begin, set the program up and run it. You'll see "EVALUATION COPY" at the top of the window. Go to "Help" and click on "Register". We see two boxes to enter the information that is needed to register the program. Go into SICE (Ctrl+D remember). The next thing we do is "Break" into SoftICE when the program reads in what we enter. For the program to get the information we enter into the boxes, it will need to use the windows API functions. We will need to tell SoftICE to come to life when a program uses one of these functions. Most programs will use one of the following functions:

"GetWindowText" "GetWindowTextA"

"GetDlgItemText" "GetDlgItemTextA"

The ones without the A's are for 16 bit programs, and since programs are not much made in 16 bit any more, it's usually just safe to use the ones with the A's. The A at the end of functions means it's for use with a 32 bit program only. So you're in SICE. I checked and this program uses "GetDlgItemTextA". If you try to use "GetWindowTextA" you just get confused! So type in

"bpx getdlgitemtexta" [Return]

Bpx simply is the instruction to "BreakPoint on eXecute". i.e. the program breaks when it executes the api function or call. Anyway, type anything in the two boxes I used "Liszt" for my name, and "12345" for my code. Click OK. !BAM! You're in SoftICE! You're at the point in the program where the program is calling the api function "GetDlgItemTextA" to get the name you entered. Press Ctrl+D to get out of SoftICE and you should be immediately brought back to SoftICE where the function is called again, this time to get the code you entered. Remember for the future, you will have to let SoftICE break however many boxes you have to fill in. If in a program you had to enter a name, a code, AND a company, for example, you would set the BreakPoint, press OK, get out of SoftICE, and then get out of SoftICE again, because it would have 3 boxes to read from, so it would need to call the function 3 times.

Anyway, SoftICE has broken twice... We are now at the beginning of the "GetDlgItemTextA" function. The code in the code window below the highlighted line is the code for the function. Press F11. This lets the program carry out the function, but returns you to SoftICE IMMEDIATELY after the function has finished. Now you should be in the 5 or More program code. Press F10 until you get to the instruction:

call 00405EF0

When that instruction is highlighted, press F8. There is a good reason for this...

Pressing F10 steps over calls, while F8 steps INTO calls. Example time... Pressing F10 will carry out all of the instructions it comes across inside the call, until the program returns to the point where the call was. OK, I think I'd better explain about calls now.

Calls are similar to jumps. When there is a call, say for example, we was to come across the following:

:004018D9 E8520D0000 call 00402630

:004018DE 8D4C2414 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]

:004018E2 C684246C02000002 mov byte ptr [esp+0000026C], 02

The program goes to the address 00402630. What we have here for example is:

:00402630 6AFF push FFFFFFFF

:00402632 6896CF4000 push 0040CF96

:00402637 64A100000000 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000000]

:0040263D 50 push eax

:0040263E 64892500000000 mov dword ptr fs:[00000000]

:00402645 51 push ecx

:00402646 C3 ret

This means the program would carry out all of the instructions in this part of code (from 00402630) and when it got to 00402646 (A "Return" instruction) it would go to 004018DE. (The instruction after the call to the above piece of code.) In SICE, pressing F10 at a call, would execute all of the instructions until the return instruction automatically, without you having a chance to see what is going on inside the call. When you press F8, you go inside the code, and the instructions are executed one by one, as you press F10 or F8. You should find that information valuable.

Anyway, back to our example, "5 or More". You should have just pressed F8 instead of F10. Don't press anything else yet. Look at the code. You should be looking at the following instructions on the right side of the Code Window:



JZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


JNZ 00405F32


MOV EAX,00000001

JZ 00405F34



Okay, I'll try to explain what's going on here. The first line of the above code puts the registration code you entered into EAX. The second line tests EAX with itself, and if the outcome of the test is 0 (Zero), that means that nothing was entered into the registration box, and if this happens, when the program reaches the next line of code, it will jump to 00405F32. So maybe the code at 00405F32 is the code to tell the program to get the error message. Looking at the next lines of code, there is a lot of things compared, and always, if the outcome here isn't zero, it will jump tp the same address (00405F32). So it's pretty good to assume that the code at 00405F32 is the error message process, which must mean that this is the process that checks the registration code you entered to the valid code.

Look in EAX by typing "d eax". Look at the writing in the DATA Window (The one above the Code Window). Look at the right side of this window. The code you entered should be at the first line. The fourth line of the above code CoMPares the byte at EAX with the number 31. We can see EAX in the Data window at the moment. We can see that the first number/letter in view is the first digit of the code you entered. This is the number/letter it compares to the number 31. When we see something like this, with lots of numbers around 30, it will usually be hex. You can find out what the "ASCII" (Normal) value of hex 31 is by typing in "? 31". It will show you different values, the one at the end in the quotation marks is the "Normal Value".

We see that Hex 31 = Normal 1. That tells us that the program compares the your first digit to 1. If the first digit of the code you entered isn't 1, the program will jump in the fifth line of the above code to the error message (00405F32). The next (Sixth) line of code compares EAX+01 to Hex 36. EAX+01 is as simple as that - EAX+01, If you type in "d eax+01" it will show you the second digit of the code you entered. Because it is EAX plus 01 place, which means the second digit of the code you entered. (I hope you understood that!) type "? 36". You see that is compares the second digit of the code you entered with 6. (Assuming, of course it hadn't already jumped after the 1st compare!). So we can see that the first two numbers of the valid registration code are 1 and 6. By looking at the rest of the code down to the 19th line of the above code, we can see that the correct registration code is:


An important thing to mention is that the valid registration code was already inside the program, and didn't have to be calculated. That tells us that the registration code will work for any name you enter. Other more difficult programs will take you're entered code, make the correct code for the name you entered, and compare your correct code with the one you entered. This means that codes will be different for each name that is entered in harder programs. (This program is easy to crack). Before you leave SoftICE, let's look at the rest of the code above. The 20th line compares EAX+08 to Hex 00. If type "? 00" you'll see that 00 is equal to nothing. That does NOT mean a space, (A space is Hex 20) it means Hex 00 is equal to nothing, so the program is just checking that there wasn't anything entered after the final digit.

The actual program won't let you enter more than 8 characters anyway, so this must be in case bad crackers try to modify the contents of the memory, and mess up. So the CMP BYTE PTR [EAX+07],30 is the last digit of the code. If for some reason, the memory contains more than 8 characters at EAX, it would jump to a different part of code that I haven't bothered to look at because it is irrelevant. The next line (XOR EAX,EAX) zero's EAX, because it doesn't need it anymore (Note from CrackZ - actually this code is never executed, see the MOV EAX, 1 = good guy and EAX=0 is bad, EAX's value is checked after the RET). The next line is RET (Return). When the program (If the code is correct) reaches this, it will go back to the line after the call we pressed F8 at.

See how calls work now? When we are sent to the first line of the above code by the call, there aren't any instructions that jump to a good registration message, only jumps to the bad message, so theoretically, it would be possible to crack the program using "Hackers' View" by finding the address of the call to the registration routine, and simply replacing the call instruction with NOP (No OPeration) instructions. In fact, yeah, we'll try that in a minute! You can leave SoftICE now, but make sure you clear all of the breakpoints before you leave, because we don't need them anymore. To do this type "bc *". Get out of SICE (Ctrl-D). Go to help in 5 or More, and go to register. Type in any name, and the code we found out. (16135510). WOW! It worked. Don't you feel good? You didn't even have to modify the program's code! It's a "Clean Crack"!

--------------------------------------STOP PRINTING HERE-----------------------------------------

Okay, now close the program. Go to the windows directory and find "5ormore.ini". Delete it. Now go back to the game directory and make a backup of the 5ormore.exe in case we screw up (You may want to rename it 5ormore.w32). Done? Good. Run HIEW (Hackers' View) and open 5ormore.exe. Press F4 and select Decode Mode. Press F5 and type ".0040609D" (This is the address that calls the registration check - The place we pressed F8). You are at the line:

.0040609D E84EFEFFFF call 00405EF0

This is the right line. We want to get rid of the call, so we are going to change the bytes that tell the program what to do. I'll explain something first. Look at the E84EFEFFFF. These are the letters and numbers that tell the program what to do. They are what we change. To tell the program to jump to the registration check, it needs 5 bytes (Remember, a byte is two characters). So we need to make sure we replace exactly 5 bytes, no more, no less. A NOP instruction (No OPeration) only requires 1 byte, so we will need to put in 5 NOP instructions, so it has just canceled the call without doing anything else. Press F3. Now, carefully change the bytes to NOPs by pressing "90" five times. Press F9. Press F10. Go back to 5ormore.exe and run the program.

Go to register and type in a name and any old number (not the correct one). It says regged! Great! Close the program, and then start it again to make sure... It says UNREGISTERED!!!! There is a simple reason for this. Each time the program begins, it gets the registration information you entered last time from the 5ormore.ini file in the windows directory, and then carries out the registration check again on the information to check the information is valid. So unless you want to go to register every single time you play the game, we have more work to do. Run W32Dasm. Open 5ormore.W32 (The backup copy). Look at the disassembly. Click on find. Type in:

call 00405EF0

Now click OK. Remember the call to 00405EF0 is the call to the registration check. When W32Dasm has found something, write the address down. You should find two occurences. The first address should be "00405EE2", and the second should be "0040609D". You can close W32Dasm if you want, because I know what we have to do, and we won't need it anymore. Run HIEW and open 5ormore.exe. Press F4 and go to Decode Mode. We are going to get rid of both of these calls that we wrote down. Press F5 and type ".00406EE2" (This is the first address you wrote down). Press F3. There is 5 bytes in this call instruction, so we will need to type in "90" five times. Done? Press F9 to update the file. Now the next address. Type ".0040609D" (The other address from W32Dasm). Huh? What's this, there's already five NOPs here! Yep. That's because, remember, you already changed this one, before we found out that it checked the "5ormore.ini" file when it starts. We saw it as a call in W32Dasm, because we loaded the backup file, and we hadn't changed that file whatsoever with HIEW. So close HIEW.

Run "5ormore.exe" Wow! It will stay registered this time! Exit 5 or More, run 5 or More, exit 5 or More, run 5 or More. Yeah, we made it so that the program didn't find an error with registration information when it starts. (That's because we stopped it from checking the code, so it couldn't jump to the unregistered code routine.) There we go! If you can find registration codes using SoftICE, do that, because it's so much better than modifying a program. I hope this information has been valuable! It should have! If you couldn't understand it, go through it all again. (I'm NOT kidding. If you want to learn, you have to understand these things). If you don't understand something in particular, E-Mail me at "Florestan5@hotmail.com"

If I get enough E-Mails requesting more tutorials, I'll certainly consider it. If I get enough requests, I'll talk more about finding codes in SoftICE, where the program has to calculate your own code (much harder most of the time). All comments, questions, suggestions welcome.

I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial as much as I did writing it. I hope you all learned something.

I'm outta here!


Dooba Dooba

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

HT Access file


The name of the file is .htaccess (Its the extention with no name).
A .htaccess-file is a files that lets you do a whole lot off security tricks:

You can't create .files in windows (You can, but its hard). Give them another name and rename them on the server.

You can write .htaccess in notepad (or any other simple-text editor). Remember to turn off wordwrap.

If you are using Microsoft FrontPage extensions you shouldn't edit the .htaccess -document.

.htaccess files must be uploaded as ASCII mode, not BINARY.

Custom error pages

Below is a list of the server returned error codes that are most seen by users.

Error document codes (most used)
400 Bad Request
401 Authorization Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

400 - Bad Request, which is one of those generic kind of errors that people get to by doing some weird stuff with your URL or scripts.

401 - Authorization Required (as in when somebody tries to enter a protected area of your site without the proper credentials)

403 - Forbidden (as in when a file with permissions not allowing it to be accessed by the user is requested)

404 - Handle requests for pages that are not found.

500 - Internal server errors in any scripts you have currently running.

In order to specify your own customized error documents, you simply need to add the following commands, on one line, within your htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html

You can name the pages anything you want and you can place the error pages anywhere you want within your site, so long as they are web-accessible (through a URL). The initial slash in the directory location represents the root directory of your site, that being where your default page for your first-level domain is located.

You can specify a full URL rather than a virtual URL in the ErrorDocument string (http://yoursite.com/errors/notfound.html vs. /errors/notfound.html). But this may not be the preferred method by the server's happiness standards.

You can also specify HTML with your error documents.

ErrorDocument 401 "<body bgcolor=#ffffffglt;<h1> You have to actually <b>BE</b> a <a href="#">member</A> to view this page!</h1></body>"

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Preventing a directory from being listed

Do you have a directory full of images or zips that you do not want people to be able to browse through? Typically a server is setup to prevent directory listing, but sometimes they are not. If your server is not, you will have to become self-sufficient and fix the problem with htaccess:

IndexIgnore *

The * is a wildcard that matches all files

Place that line into an htaccess file in your images directory and nothing in that directory will be able to be listed.

What if you wanted the directory contents to be listed, but only the HTML pages and not the images?

IndexIgnore *.gif *.jpg

This would return a list of all the files except those specified in the above example.

If your server is setup to prevent directory listing and you want your directories to be listed then you could simply put this into the htaccess file:

Options +Indexes

If you do use this option, be very careful that you do not put any unintentional or compromising files in this directory. You can put in a minus sign (Options -Indexes) to prevent directory listing entirely. This is typical of most server setups and is usually configured elsewhere in the apache server, but can be overridden through the use of htaccess.

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Password protection

There are numerous methods to password protecting areas of your site with some server language based (such as ASP, PHP or PERL) and client side based, such as JavaScript. JavaScript is not as secure or foolproof as a server-side option. A server side challenge/response is always more secure than a client dependant challenge/response. Htaccess is about as secure as you can or need to get in everyday life.

The first thing you will need to do is create a file called .htpasswd. I know, you might have problems with the naming convention, but it is the same idea behind naming the .htaccess file itself, and you should be able to do that by this point. In the .htpasswd file, you place the username and password (which is encrypted) for those whom you want to have access.



There is a handy tool to easily encrypt the password at http://www.euronet.nl/~arnow/htpasswd/

For security, you should not upload the htpasswd file to a directory that is web accessible (yoursite.com/.htpasswd), it should be placed above your www root directory. You'll be specifying the location to it later on, so be sure you know where you put it. Also, this file, as with htaccess, should be uploaded as ASCII and not BINARY.

Create a new htaccess file and place the following code in it:

AuthUserFile /usr/local/you/safedir/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic

require user username

The first line is the full server path to your htpasswd file. If you have installed scripts on your server, you should be familiar with this. Please note that this is not a URL, this is a server path. Also note that if you place this htaccess file in your root directory, it will password protect your entire site, which probably isn't your exact goal.

The second to last line require user is where you enter the username of those who you want to have access to that portion of your site. Note that using this will allow only that specific user to be able to access that directory. This applies if you had an htpasswd file that had multiple users setup in it and you wanted each one to have access to an individual directory. If you wanted the entire list of users to have access to that directory, you would replace Require user xxx with require valid-user.

The AuthName is the name of the area you want to access. It could anything, such as "EnterPassword". You can change the name of this 'realm' to whatever you want, within reason.

We are using AuthType Basic because we are using basic HTTP authentication.

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Deny users by IP

Add the following to the .htaccess file:

<Limit GET>
order allow,deny
deny from 128.23.45.
deny from
allow from all

This is an example of a .htaccess file that will block access to your site to anyone who is coming from any IP address beginning with 128.23.45 and from the specific IP address . By specifying only part of an IP address, and ending the partial IP address with a period, all sub-addresses coming from the specified IP address block will be blocked. You must use the IP addresses to block access, use of domain names is not supported. To deny all IP addresses from your site use:

<Limit GET>
order allow,deny
deny from all

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Change your default directory page

Some of you may be wondering what is DirectoryIndex? It is a command which allows you to specify a file that is to be loaded as your default page whenever a directory or url request comes in, that does not specify a specific page.

DirectoryIndex filename.html

This would cause filename.html to be treated as your default page, or default directory page. You can also append other filenames to it. You may want to have certain directories use a script as a default page.

DirectoryIndex filename.html index.cgi index.pl default.htm

Placing the above command in your htaccess file will cause this to happen:

When a user types in yoursite.com, your site will look for filename.html in your root directory (or any directory if you specify this in the global htaccess), and if it finds it, it will load that page as the default page. If it does not find filename.html, it will then look for index.cgi; if it finds that one, it will load it, if not, it will look for index.pl and the whole process repeats until it finds a file it can use. Basically, the list of files is read from left to right.

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Prevent viewing of .htaccess file

If you use htaccess for password protection, then the location containing all of your password information is plainly available through the htaccess file. If you have set incorrect permissions or if your server is not as secure as it could be, a browser has the potential to view an htaccess file through a standard web interface and thus compromise your site/server. This, of course, would be a bad thing. However, it is possible to prevent an htaccess file from being viewed in this manner:

<FILES .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

The first line specifies that the file named .htaccess is having this rule applied to it. You could use this for other purposes as well if you get creative enough. If you use this in your htaccess file, a person trying to see that file would get returned (under most server configurations) a 403 error code. You can also set permissions for your htaccess file via CHMOD, which would also prevent this from happening, as an added measure of security: 644 or RW-R--R--

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Ever go through the nightmare of changing significantly portions of your site, then having to deal with the problem of people finding their way from the old pages to the new? There are different ways of redirecting pages, through http-equiv, javascript or any of the server-side languages. You can do it through htaccess, which is probably the most effective, considering the minimal amount of work required to do it.

Htaccess uses redirect to look for any request for a specific page and if it finds that request, it forwards it to a new page you have specified:

Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/newfile.html

Note that there are 3 parts to that, which should all be on one line.

The redirect command.

The location of the file/directory you want redirected relative to the root of your site (/olddirectory/oldfile.html = yoursite.com/olddirectory/oldfile.html)
The full URL of the location you want that request sent to.

Each of the 3 is separated by a single space, but all on one line. You can also redirect an entire directory by simple using:

Redirect /olddirectory/ http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/

Using this method, you can redirect any number of pages no matter what you do to your directory structure. It is the fastest method as a global affect.

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Adding MIME Types

What are MIME Types?

MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. It extends the power of web browsers to handle graphics, sound and multimedia. MIME is also used for binary email attachments. Browsers recognize MIME types in categories and file types, separated by a slash (such as image/gif). If you've registered a MIME type, the browser decodes the file and launches a helper application. What if your server wasn't set up to deliver certain file types properly? A common occurrence with MP3 or even SWF files. Simple enough to fix with htaccess:

To do this you must first understand the three parts of adding a MIMI type. The first part is the AddType. This tells the server that you are adding a MIME type. Second is the application string. This is the actual parameter of the MIME you are adding (the MIME type). The final part is the default extension for the MIME type you want to add.

AddType mime-type .ext

Save the .htaccess file and store all ext files in the same directory. Then, all files in the directory that end in .ext (those extensions you have added) will be mapped into mime-type and handled properly by the server. Please note that you must include a period (.) before the extension. You can list several extensions separated by blanks. For example, if you wanted to store and serve Lotus 1-2-3 files with the extensions wks, wk1, wk2, wk3, and wk4, you should type:

AddType application/lotus123 .wks .wk1 .wk2 .wk3 .wk4

By the way, here's a neat little trick that few know about. To force a file to be downloaded, via the Save As browser feature, you can simply set a MIME type to application/octet-stream and that immediately prompts you for the download.

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Preventing hot linking of images

In the webmaster community, "hot linking" is a curse phrase. Also known as "bandwidth stealing". It refers to linking directly to non-html objects not on one own's server, such as images, .js files etc. The victim's server in this case is robbed of bandwidth (and in turn money) as the violator enjoys showing content without having to pay for its deliverance. The most common practice of hot linking pertains to another site's images.

In the webmaster community, "hot linking" is a curse phrase. Also known as "bandwidth stealing". It refers to linking directly to non-html objects not on one own's server, such as images, .js files etc. The victim's server in this case is robbed of bandwidth (and in turn money) as the violator enjoys showing content without having to pay for its deliverance. The most common practice of hot linking pertains to another site's images.

The best way to stop hot linking is to have your images be placed in a seperate folder (not the same folder as html files) and put a .htaccess file in it.

Copy this text below, make the changes to show your domain info, and paste it into notepad. Name this file .htaccess and place in in all your images folders. Be sure to upload in ASCII mode or the .htaccess file will not work.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?mydomain.com/.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ - [F]

Be sure to replace "mydomain.com" with your own. The above code causes a broken image to be displayed when its hot linked. You can have an image display for those who try to hot link. You can have an image of your choice be displayed for those attempting to steal bandwidth. The code for this is:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?mydomain.com/.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ http://www.mydomain.com/notallowed.gif [R,L]

The first line tells Apache to turn on the MOD Rewite.

The next two lines you change to your address (either with, and without the www. as well as your IP).

The last line is where you would like the link from the site trying to download from their pages to be redirected. This way if some one links directly to your "coolpicture.jpg" from their website, instead of seeing your cool picture the user will see a picture that you decide to show. Make the picture be something the user will not want to see and get the message across that he is a bandwidth stealer. After the user sees that the "hot linking" isn't working, the user will change his links.

In order to have it work for you:

replace mydomain.com with your own domain

replace the notallowed.gif with the image you want them to see.

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Hacking Minesweeper

Are you good at Minesweeper? Think you have it all figured out? Me too. But wait, why the fuck have I not beat the game on Expert yet then? I’ll tell you why: sitting at a computer with your mind racing on which little gray box to press can make you dillusional, and also make you click the wrong box. I wanted a way to know where those God damned mines were, so I now have this cheat:

With your cursor inside the minesweeper window type “XYZZY” (CASE SENSITIVE) then press Shift-Enter and Enter. A white dot should appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. If it turns black, your cursor is resting on a mine. If it is white, you are safe to click. This works best if you set your background image to ‘none’ and your background color to black. It doesn’t work on Win 95 or NT, but who gives a shit.

Hacking Freecell

After hacking Minesweeper, it lost its fun. So I began playing Freecell thinking that it would be less intense on my mind at 3AM when I was still up surfing the web. But I quickly found out it wasn’t. Hey, what do you care anyway? Here is the hack:
While playing, hold Ctrl-Shift-F10. You will be asked if you want to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Choose ABORT, then move any card and you’ll win immediately. Pretty cool, eh? Enjoy pissing off your friends by making them a bet that you can win any game of Freecell in 1 move.

Hacking Pinball on Windows XP

The time has come to hack the fuck out of the only Pinball game that anyone who has ever owned a Windows computer has played.

Start a new game, then type “hidden test”. Nothing happened, right? Okay smart guy, go ahead and put your mouse over the Pinball window, click, and drag. Yeah, the ball is following the mouse, I know. Try pressing ‘R’. Yep, your rank just went up. Now press ‘H’. Uhuh, you just got to enter yourself on the high score list with 1,000,000,000 points.

Solitaire Cheat

Yes, I called it a cheat this time.
Draw single cards in a Draw Three game

Everytime you flip the top stack of cards, hold down CTRL-ALT-SHIFT and instead of flipping three card you only flip one card. This way you can draw single cards but still have the higher score of a ”Draw Three” game.
Force Victory

This code should be entered during a normal game.



Infinite Points

In the Windows XP version of solitaire, draw from the deck at least twice. Hold control and drag a card down from the deck. Click the “A” key and then let go of the left mouse key. You will get 10 points for this. Continue doing this for infinite points!

Infinite points

To do this trick, finish a game of solitaire with the time bonus option on. The cards will start bouncing. Click on the solitaire screen and the play again box will pop up. Select no, so the solitaire screen is just blank green. Use the instant win cheat (Alt+Shift+2) and you will recieve the time bonus you got last game will be added to your last game’s score. For example, if your time bonus was 5000, and your final score was 6000, after using this glitch, you will have a score of 11000. This glitch can be used as many times as you want.

Move a card to an illegal position

Use the left mouse button and drag a card onto any legal position, just as you normally would, but do not let go of the left mouse button. While holding the card over the position, hit the Escape key once, then release the left mouse button. Now left click once on any face-up card at all and it will teleport to that position. You may also use the space bar and directional arrows to do this, however the final click to teleport the card must still be done with the left mouse button.

Well, that’s all folks.