Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Filterkeys must die

It constantly amazes me the crap that gets turned on by default in Windows XP. Have you ever held down the Right Shift key for more than 8 seconds while thinking about something? That’s the default keyboard shortcut for FilterKeys. FilterKeys is an accessibility option that ignores keyboard input unless it the key is held down for a long time.


It isn’t annoying enough that a dialog box pops up and interrupts you if you hold shift down for too long. It has a bug. If you hit Cancel, FilterKeys *still* runs.

Pressing both shift keys is supposed to exit from it, but I prefer a more permanent approach. Death to FilterKeys.

Control Panel >> Accessibility Options >> Remove all check-marks


But wait, there’s more! That isn’t enough to get rid of FilterKeys, you also have to go to the Settings sub-menu and remove the check-marks there.

Hit OK twice and you’re finally rid of the damned thing.

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