Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Day of nightmares ...

Ohokie...my new website went live yesterday...and that was 1 day that taught me so much...

IE 6 is definately not standards complient...it takes a perfectly fine CSS and makes a mockery of it...

So, here is a little trick ..

Take a standard CSS...and put some custom tags in for IE6..
/*Standard Tags*/
padding-left:205px; /*left + margin of 10*/
/*IE 6 Tags*/
/*_border:thin solid green;*/

So, when the page is parsed by standard browsers ..(FF, Opera, IE7 etc) they parse the right tags and then give you the pretty page..

IE6 on the other hand would read the tags with underscores and create an acceptable version of the page.....

IE6 and IE7 are very different browsers...No doubts abt it..

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